[First published in Anistoriton Journal, vol. 11 (2009-2009), In Situ no 5 ]
Cosmas Theodorides 1,*
1Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London, Sir Alexander Fleming Building,
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK
*Current and Correspondence address: Chatzichristou 14, Athens, 11742
The origin of our writing system, the alphabet, has been debated for centuries. I revisited
the issue from a systematic viewpoint and developed a line of enquiry with particular
focus on the transformation theory of Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson and
contemporary systematics. I offer ten different lines of evidence supporting the theory
that the invention of the alphabet was the result of a synthesis of forms of the Aegean
Linear scripts with script(s) of the Levant.
Although the ancestry of our current writing system can be traced with certainty
to the Latin alphabet, the ultimate origins of the latter have been debated for centuries (1,
2). Both mono- and polygenic theories have been proposed, but none has met universal
acceptance (1-4). The ancient sources seem unequivocal that the invention of the alphabet
was the result of major interaction of different cultures of the Mediterranean, albeit with
great differences on the details (5, 6). Contemporary studies have made surprisingly little
headway on the issue. With some exceptions, much of the Anglophone literature follows
Herodotus in suggesting that the Greek alphabet was an adaptation of a Phoenician script
(7, 8). Tree-like diagrams connecting the various scripts are often produced but without
any explicit methodology and only rarely is it mentioned that this parentage scheme is in
fact conjectural and untested (9). Apart from disagreements on dating of various
archaeological findings, theories on the origin of the script are marred by the lack of a
solid reference framework for quantitative assessment, a situation strongly reminiscent of
the state of biological systematics before the advent of phylogenetic algorithms. In recent
decades, however, a powerful toolbox of methodologies and philosophical concepts has
been developed for systematics of organisms (10). Although scripts are not organisms in
the current sense of the word in English, they are organomena (organized systems) and as
such, well within the scope of implementation of systematic methodologies. These are
currently being used for the study of relationships of languages (11) and manuscripts
(12), and could provide the robustness of phylogenetic and statistic analyses hitherto
lacking in the study of other organized systems.
A great number of theories that have been offered in the course of the centuries on
the origin and historical development of the alphabet, often driven by religious,
ideological or even racial motives (2, 13). Three have enjoyed revival and/or significant
support in the 20th century: the Egyptian, the Cretan and the Sinaitic, with a significant
party of undecided scholars. The derivation of the alphabet from Egyptian hieroglyphics
is nowadays advocated only in relation with the Sinaitic theory, which suggests that
Egyptian writing formed the inspirational basis of the inscriptions found in Sinai mines.
Consisting of a small number of texts known as the Proto-Sinaitic, they are dated towards
the end of the Middle Bronze Age -ca 1500 BC (8). These are supposed to have been the
first texts in the Proto-Canaanite which, in turn, gave rise to the Phoenician at ca 1050
BC (14). The Cretan theory, advocated by Sir Arthur Evans proposes that the Cretan
scripts, earliest findings of which go back to the late 3rd millennium BC, were taken from
Crete to Palestine by the Philistines and formed the basis of the alphabet (2). Both
theories have been criticized for their many difficulties. The Cretan theory, proposed well
before the decipherment of Linear B by Michael Ventris (15) was based on superficial
similarity and does not appear to have currently any supporters. The Proto-Sinaitic theory
still attracts attention not least because of its Biblical connotations; more sober analysis
makes it all but impossible to accept (8).
Since most of the theories hitherto proposed have been strongly influenced by
non-grammatological constraints, I tried to examine the situation using independent
scientific methodology. I reviewed, from a systematic viewpoint, evidence concerning all
the scripts involved in these theories, in order to assess possible interconnections and
systematic relationships.
Results and discussion
Homologies and morphological similarities
The first concern was to establish whether phonetic equivalence of symbols had
any correspondence to morphological similarities, in order to assess homologies that
would allow a systematic analysis. In essence the first question to ask was: do similar
forms represent similar sounds? Comparison of the various systems revealed significant
similarities (see SOM, section 3 for individual symbol forms and D’Arcy Thompson
tropes describing potential transformation series) for symbols from the Vinca signary,
Linear A, Linear B, Linear C, Levantine Protolinear, Phoenician abjad and Greek
alphabet. Egyptian hieroglyphics did not show more than occasional superficial
similarity, nor did most Proto-Sinaitic symbols. Although similar Vinca symbols can be
easily provided for all letters, they were excluded as there is no generally accepted
decipherment or agreement on their relationship with other scripts and hence homology, a
primary consideration for systematics, could not be established. Much fewer Proto-
Sinaitic symbols showed significant morphological similarity and given that a convincing
decipherment is also lacking, no meaningful comparison could be established for the
majority of letters apart from superficial similarities. In total, four scripts have direct
phonological links to symbol morphology (Linear B, Linear C, Levantine
Linear/Phoenician and alphabet), while Linear A is both very close morphologically and
broadly accepted as a close relative of Linear B and hence could be included in the
Taxon relationships and symbol onomastics
A summary of the comparisons of the outlines of different homologous forms is
provided in Figure 1. As it immediately becomes apparent there is a striking
morphological similarity of symbols of the Linear syllabaries, the early alphabet and the
Phoenician abjad. Simple D’Arcy Thompson tropes of morphological transformations,
which often occur in writing systems, can lead to successively linked morphologies
(SOM). Further evidence for script interrelationships is provided by symbol names.
Previously, these have been often linked to word meanings in order to support theories of
origin. It is elementary to find such links in specific languages, let alone language
families like Indo-European or Semitic (see also SOM). It is impossible to independently
assess or compare these speculative connections, and I therefore consider them of little
value. The symbol onomastics appear much more straightforward: the letters of the Greek
alphabet (and indeed much of the Phoenician, as reconstructed from the Hebrew) mostly
share the syllabic value of the related Linear B or Linear C syllabogram either as their
name or part thereof (Fig. 1 and supporting material).
Linear forms persisted in the Aegean while systematic analyses reveal an eastern
Further evidence of the interrelationship of the archaic Greek alphabet with the
Aegean syllabaries in particular is provided by the fact that forms not found in
Phoenician or the Levantine Proto-linear but present in Linear B and Linear C persisted
in local alphabets into the classical years. Nine such forms or variants thereof can easily
be distinguished (Fig. 1): B2, three–line F, I2, M1, 1, horizontal 2, R1/R, P2/P and Y,
indicating continuity or overlapping of Linear writing and the alphabet in the Aegean.
Additionally, the alphabet encodes vowels like the Aegean scripts but unlike the
Phoenician abjad. When the morphological data were submitted to systematic analyses
however, both in cladistic (parsimony) and phenetic (distance) terms, the alphabet was
found to be more closely related to Linear C and the Phoenician, both in the Eastern
Mediterranean rather than the Aegean Linear B. The tree topology was highly supported
in both cases (Fig. 2). This is a crucial result that is in agreement with the ancient reports
on the origin of the alphabet in an eastern context as well as its different nature to the
syllabaries. The alphabet does not appear to have been just the next step on a gradual
development of the Aegean syllabaries. A major transformation in organization has taken
place, reducing the 70-90 symbols of the syllabaries to just 23 of the archaic alphabet
found in the Doric islands and Crete (16).
The question of symbol order
The question remained about how the order of these 23 symbols was devised.
Following Diodorus Siculus’ narrative (6), I considered Syrian candidates as probable
sources for phoneme order and in particular one of the Ugaritic cuneiform scripts. Ugarit,
in present day Ras Shamra in Syria, found opposite the Cape St Andreas of Cyprus on the
Syrian coast, was a metropolis of the Bronze Age with well-established relations with
both the Aegean and the Asian hinterland (17). Although the cuneiform script is written
in a different way, with resulting drastically different morphology, there is a striking
similarity in phoneme order that has been previously suggested as an influence for or by
the Phoenician and/or its ancestors. Subsequent comparison revealed that the alphabet
shares 7 domains (Fig. 3, domains i-vii) of similarity with the Ugaritic, while the
Phoenician and related abjads share 6. Hence rather than the alphabet coming from a
single progenitor, these observations would suggest that the emergence of the new
semiotic system was a result of plexis or interweaving of different cultural organomena
from the Aegean (form) and the Levant (order).
Internal evidence indicates that the alphabet was an invention
Attention is drawn to the fact that the tree-building methodology used here reveals
systematic relations rather than ancestry. The reconstruction of the emergence of the
alphabet needs to be based on further considerations and evidence. The first issue to be
addressed and one that has been the subject of much debate is whether the alphabet was
an invention or the result of a gradual process. The distribution of symbols within the
archaic alphabet is not random but follows a unique arithmetic pattern that is not found in
the Ugaritic script. The five vowels are distributed in intervals of 3, 4, 5 and 6 consonants
indicating that the proto-alphabet was a conscious invention in a single place, at a single
time. The arithmetic significance of this series aside, two further lines of evidence show
that the event most likely happened in the East and was indeed an invention. First, only
the five vowels of the Eastern Greek syllabic scripts (at least as we know them from
Linear C) are used as opposed to the seven or more symbols for vowel phonemes present
in local Linear B variants of the Aegean. Secondly these 5 vowels are arranged in a
meaningful sequence (Fig. 3) that could have served as a simple mnemonic device in the
early days of the adoption of the alphabet by scribes used to syllabic Linear writing. Not
only can the sequence AEIOY be easily shown to be meaningful, but the same time
forming a nested harmonic of vowels (29), a sequence that is obviously lacking in the
Ugaritic cuneiform.
Under this light, a hypothesis that a polyglot inventor(s) recognized the simplicity
and power of the Ugaritic cuneiform and adopted it with Aegean forms and simple
mnemonic devices in order to help it spread in the lands of the Linear syllabaries, is
emerging as a likely scenario.
Summarizing, the invention of the alphabet as a synthesis of forms, principles and
organization deriving from Aegean syllabaries with a Levantine script in an Eastern
context is supported by at least ten lines of evidence: (i) ancient literature testimonies, (ii)
symbol morphological similarity, (iii) phonetic homology, (iv) letter onomastics, (v)
letter variants in Greek alphabets that have counterparts in Linear B homologues but not
in Eastern scripts, (vi) encoding of vowels, (vii) the internal organization of the alphabet
resembling the Ugaritic but according to an arithmetic distribution, (viii) the use of the
five vowel phonemes present in Eastern Greek syllabic system (as it has survived in
Linear C), (ix) meaningful sequence of vowels, and (x) the systematic position of the
scripts on the tree of Figure 2. Even if some of this evidence proves not to apply for a
particular symbol, it is all but impossible that it all comes from a random process. This
leaves little doubt for the case of conscious invention in a specific cultural and
geographical area and against a gradual accumulation of small changes.
Epilogue: a marriage of Kadmus and Harmony
The lines of evidence presented here and the results of their analysis indicate that
our script is the result of plexis of different ancestral systems, a result of synthesis and
symbiosis of forms and organizing principles originating in different cultures. It also
indicates that all past efforts to give credit for the invention of the alphabet to just one
group, based on ethnic, linguistic or religious lines as we understand them in the 20th and
21st century, are misplaced. All the more so when we are talking about an event that took
place at a time when such concepts, as we understand them now, did not exist.
And yet, what existed and never ceased to exist is myth and the very myth of
Kadmos the title of this journal is celebrating. Taking the Theban myths and the
interesting coincidences a step further, perhaps unsurprisingly for mythical circle
dominated by the descendants of Kadmos, the Labdacids, we find their own signature
letter, labda, at the very center (position 12) in the proto-alphabet. Remarkably, should
the results described herein prove to be of value, they would give a new, hitherto unseen
or forgotten meaning to the old myth of the marriage of Kadmos and his wife Harmony.
They could show that the “Kadmeian letters” of the alphabet were indeed organized
around the concept of a harmonic sequence of numbers.
Materials and methods
Symbol sources and relations
I considered the symbols and organization of the scripts involved in the main
theories on the origin of the alphabet: hieroglyphics from Egypt, Proto-Sinaitic (8, 14),
archaic Phoenician (from ca 1050 BC) and earlier inscriptions from the Levant(14), as
well as Linear A (18), Linear B (19-21) and Cypriotic or Linear C (22) and archaic Greek
alphabet symbols from the Aegean and beyond (16).I have also included symbols of the
Vinca semiotic system that has been proposed as the ancestor of Linear A (23). Dates of
the various findings vary widely. The earliest Vinca symbols are dated at the mid-6th
millennium BC, earliest Egyptian in the late 4th and first Cretan writing at the end of the
3rd (for further treatment of the dating debates and sources of digital characters, see
supporting on-line material -SOM, sections 1.1 and 2.2). The relationships of the three
Linear syllabaries are well established. Comparative analysis with the other scripts was
based on correspondence of morphology with phonetic values. In order to establish
homology (literally, “saying the same thing”), a fundamental prerequisite for systematic
analysis, these had to be identical or similar, given the different principles of encoding in
syllabaries, abjads and alphabetic writing.
Taxon delineation
The relationships of the Aegean syllabaries present few difficulties (19, 24, 25); the
Levantine scripts presented a more complex problem. The Phoenician abjad is usually
arbitrarily separated from older Levantine inscriptions of which it is a later local
development, based on historical criteria (14). In reality, if one excludes the Proto-
Sinaitic and a few Palestinian pictographs both of uncertain interpretation, the first
inscriptions with significant similarity to alphabetic symbols, encoding any perceivable
meaning come from the 13th century Levant at the earliest. These are inscriptions of both
non-Semitic (Izbet Sartah ostracon) and Semitic languages (Lachish ewer) (14). The term
Proto-Canaanite is anyway problematic and I will follow Kaufman (26) in naming the
inscriptions belonging to this period Proto-linear and to separate it from the other linear
taxa, Levantine Protolinear. As far as consistent morphological differences are concerned
however very little separates the two Levantine forms. Although slight style differences
may be useful in paleographic terms, they are of little use for systematic analyses and
these forms were considered together as a single taxon (see also below).
Character coding and systematic analysis.
Each symbol was treated as an individual organomenon and was analyzed to
simple traits (characters) that is, the simple marks or scratches a scribe would employ to
create a semaphore. When in doubt, all lines needing one separate movement of hand
were scored separately (see attached matrix). I present the forms as found in the
archaeological (stratigraphic) record as well as their outlines. Minor morphological
differences are sometimes considered paleographically important. Apart from the
methodological objections on paleographic typology, particularly on the lack of
correspondences with securely dated strata and its being logically cyclical (see also (26))
did not find these minor differences to be of any diagnostic value.
To avoid controversy, characters were scored as presence-absence rather than given
different weights (10). The matrix generated (SOM, section 6) was used to calculate
systematic relationships with PAUP* (27) using exhaustive search with parsimony and
the distance algorithms. Robustness of relationships was assessed using bootstrap support
for 10000 replications and Bremer (28) support (parsimony only). Bootstrap values above
50 and Bremer 1 or more are considered to show support for any given clade.
1. Gelb, I. J. (1963) A Study of Writing. (University of Chicago Press, Chicago).
2. Diringer, D. (1968) The alphabet: a key to the history of mankind (Hutchinson,
3. Robinson, A. (2001) The Story of Writing: alphabets, hieroglyphs and
pictograms. ( Thames and Hudson, London).
4. Fischer, S. R. (2001) A History of Writing (Reaktion books, London).
5. Herodotus (1969) Histories (The Persian Wars V-VII) (Harvard University Press,
Cambridge and London).
6. Siculus, D. (1939) The Library of History (Harvard University Press, Cambridge
and London).
7. Powell, B. B. (1996) Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alphabet. (Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
8. Daniels, P. T. & Bright, W. (1996) (Oxford University Press, New York and
9. Martin, H. J. (1994) The history and power of writing (University of Chicago
Press, Chicago).
10. Kitching, I. J., Forey, P. L., Humphries, C. J. & Williams, D. M. (1998)
Cladistics: the theory and practice of parsimony analysis. (Oxford University
Press, Oxford).
11. Rexova, K., Frynta, D. & Zrzavy, J. (2003) Cladistics 19, 120-127.
12. Barbrook, A. C., Howe, C. J., Blake, N. & Robinson, P. (1998) Nature 394, 839-
13. Drucker, J. (1995) The alphabetic labyrinth (Thames and Hudson, London).
14. Naveh, J. (1982) Early history of the alphabet (The Magnes Press, Hebrew
University,, Jerusalem).
15. Ventris, M. & Chadwick, J. (1953) J. Hellenic Stud. , 73, 84-103.
16. Jeffery, L. H. (1990) The local scripts of archaic Greece. (Clarendon Press,
17. Metzger, B. M. & Coogan, M. D. (1993) (Oxford University Press, New York
and Oxford).
18. Godart, L. & Olivier, J. P. (1976-1985) Recueil des inscriptions en Lineaire A.
(Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris).
19. Ventris, M. & Chadwick, J. (1973) Documents in Mycenaean Greek (Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge).
20. Chadwick, J., Godart, L., Killen, J. T., Olivier, J.-P., Sacconi, A. & Sakellarakis,
I. A. (1986-1990) Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos (Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge).
21. Chadwick, J. (1990) in Reading the Past, ed. Hooker), J. T. (University of
California Press/ British Museum, Berkeley and Los Angeles), pp. 136-196.
22. Masson, O. (1983) Les inscriptions chypriotes syllabiques (De Boccard, Paris).
23. Haarmann, H. (1990) The Journal of Indo-European studies 17, 251-275.
24. Hooker, J. T. (1980) Linear B: an introduction (Bristol Classical Press, Bristol).
25. Masson, E. (1987) in Studies in Mycenaean and Classical Greek presented to
John Chadwick, ed. J. T. Killen, J. L. M., J.-P. Olivier, Eds (Ediciones
Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca), pp. 367-381.
26. Kaufman, S. A. (1986) Hebrew Union College Annual 57, 1-14.
27. Swofford, D. L. (1996) (Sinauer Associates, Underland, Massachusetts).
28. Bremer, K. (1994) Cladistics 10, 295-304.
29. Alphabetica II, The Vowel Harmonic in the Greek Archaic Alphabet, Volume 9,
June 2005, http://anistor.co.hol.gr/english/enback/p052.htm
Figure legends
Figure 1. A summary of homophone symbol morphology in Linear A (LA), Linear B
(LB), Linear C (LC), archaic alphabet, Phoenician abjad and modern Greek and Latin
letters. Outlines of selected symbol variants are presented here; there sometimes was
considerable variation (more on SOM 3) in form or orientation. Forms are drawn here in
a left-right convention for symbols used in the Aegean syllabaries and the archaic
alphabet and right to left for Phoenician. Both writing orientation and drawing angle
varied in original inscriptions. The interrelationship of the syllabic value with later letter
name is also shown. The part of the letter name derived from the ancestral phonetic value
is underlined and bold, while the related syllabic value in Linear B or Linear C is
underlined. Where more than one forms or variants can be found in local archaic Greek
alphabets for the same symbol/letter these are given on a separate line.
Figure 2. Total evidence relationships for homophone symbol forms in the five different
scripts, Linear A, Linear B, Linear C, Phoenician abjad and archaic Greek alphabet. Both
phenetic and cladistic analyses resulted in the same tree topology, with distance bootstrap
support (written first below the respective branch) slightly higher than parsimony (written
second) in the case of Phoenician/Greek group. Decay index values (Bremer support) are
shown in front of each node in bold.
Figure 3. Relationships of phoneme order in the archaic alphabet, the Ugaritic cuneiform
(in the box, left column shows probable phoneme value represented by the symbol on the
right column), and other Levantine abjads, the Phoenician (column I), the Samaritan
(column II) and modern Hebrew (column III – when two forms are present the left is the
form used when the letter is present at the end of a word), presented here in lettersets
used in word processing. The order and the position of archaic vowels as reconstructed
here is confirmed by the archaeological evidence of the Marsiliana Etruscan abecedary
(photograph, far left). Seven domains of homology (i-vii) can be traced between the
alphabet and the Ugaritic and six for the Phoenician and relatives. The selection of letters
follows a non-random pattern, using the five vowels of the Cypriotic system and spelling
“AEIOY” while interspersed with 3, 4, 5 and 6 consonants, further supporting the idea
that the alphabet was an invention in an Eastern context. Note that the order is not
identical with the Ugaritic but specific letters/sounds have been omitted or transposed to
accommodate the harmonic principle
Cosmas Theodorides 1,*
1Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London, Sir Alexander Fleming Building,
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK
*Current and Correspondence address: Chatzichristou 14, Athens, 11742
The origin of our writing system, the alphabet, has been debated for centuries. I revisited
the issue from a systematic viewpoint and developed a line of enquiry with particular
focus on the transformation theory of Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson and
contemporary systematics. I offer ten different lines of evidence supporting the theory
that the invention of the alphabet was the result of a synthesis of forms of the Aegean
Linear scripts with script(s) of the Levant.
Although the ancestry of our current writing system can be traced with certainty
to the Latin alphabet, the ultimate origins of the latter have been debated for centuries (1,
2). Both mono- and polygenic theories have been proposed, but none has met universal
acceptance (1-4). The ancient sources seem unequivocal that the invention of the alphabet
was the result of major interaction of different cultures of the Mediterranean, albeit with
great differences on the details (5, 6). Contemporary studies have made surprisingly little
headway on the issue. With some exceptions, much of the Anglophone literature follows
Herodotus in suggesting that the Greek alphabet was an adaptation of a Phoenician script
(7, 8). Tree-like diagrams connecting the various scripts are often produced but without
any explicit methodology and only rarely is it mentioned that this parentage scheme is in
fact conjectural and untested (9). Apart from disagreements on dating of various
archaeological findings, theories on the origin of the script are marred by the lack of a
solid reference framework for quantitative assessment, a situation strongly reminiscent of
the state of biological systematics before the advent of phylogenetic algorithms. In recent
decades, however, a powerful toolbox of methodologies and philosophical concepts has
been developed for systematics of organisms (10). Although scripts are not organisms in
the current sense of the word in English, they are organomena (organized systems) and as
such, well within the scope of implementation of systematic methodologies. These are
currently being used for the study of relationships of languages (11) and manuscripts
(12), and could provide the robustness of phylogenetic and statistic analyses hitherto
lacking in the study of other organized systems.
A great number of theories that have been offered in the course of the centuries on
the origin and historical development of the alphabet, often driven by religious,
ideological or even racial motives (2, 13). Three have enjoyed revival and/or significant
support in the 20th century: the Egyptian, the Cretan and the Sinaitic, with a significant
party of undecided scholars. The derivation of the alphabet from Egyptian hieroglyphics
is nowadays advocated only in relation with the Sinaitic theory, which suggests that
Egyptian writing formed the inspirational basis of the inscriptions found in Sinai mines.
Consisting of a small number of texts known as the Proto-Sinaitic, they are dated towards
the end of the Middle Bronze Age -ca 1500 BC (8). These are supposed to have been the
first texts in the Proto-Canaanite which, in turn, gave rise to the Phoenician at ca 1050
BC (14). The Cretan theory, advocated by Sir Arthur Evans proposes that the Cretan
scripts, earliest findings of which go back to the late 3rd millennium BC, were taken from
Crete to Palestine by the Philistines and formed the basis of the alphabet (2). Both
theories have been criticized for their many difficulties. The Cretan theory, proposed well
before the decipherment of Linear B by Michael Ventris (15) was based on superficial
similarity and does not appear to have currently any supporters. The Proto-Sinaitic theory
still attracts attention not least because of its Biblical connotations; more sober analysis
makes it all but impossible to accept (8).
Since most of the theories hitherto proposed have been strongly influenced by
non-grammatological constraints, I tried to examine the situation using independent
scientific methodology. I reviewed, from a systematic viewpoint, evidence concerning all
the scripts involved in these theories, in order to assess possible interconnections and
systematic relationships.
Results and discussion
Homologies and morphological similarities
The first concern was to establish whether phonetic equivalence of symbols had
any correspondence to morphological similarities, in order to assess homologies that
would allow a systematic analysis. In essence the first question to ask was: do similar
forms represent similar sounds? Comparison of the various systems revealed significant
similarities (see SOM, section 3 for individual symbol forms and D’Arcy Thompson
tropes describing potential transformation series) for symbols from the Vinca signary,
Linear A, Linear B, Linear C, Levantine Protolinear, Phoenician abjad and Greek
alphabet. Egyptian hieroglyphics did not show more than occasional superficial
similarity, nor did most Proto-Sinaitic symbols. Although similar Vinca symbols can be
easily provided for all letters, they were excluded as there is no generally accepted
decipherment or agreement on their relationship with other scripts and hence homology, a
primary consideration for systematics, could not be established. Much fewer Proto-
Sinaitic symbols showed significant morphological similarity and given that a convincing
decipherment is also lacking, no meaningful comparison could be established for the
majority of letters apart from superficial similarities. In total, four scripts have direct
phonological links to symbol morphology (Linear B, Linear C, Levantine
Linear/Phoenician and alphabet), while Linear A is both very close morphologically and
broadly accepted as a close relative of Linear B and hence could be included in the
Taxon relationships and symbol onomastics
A summary of the comparisons of the outlines of different homologous forms is
provided in Figure 1. As it immediately becomes apparent there is a striking
morphological similarity of symbols of the Linear syllabaries, the early alphabet and the
Phoenician abjad. Simple D’Arcy Thompson tropes of morphological transformations,
which often occur in writing systems, can lead to successively linked morphologies
(SOM). Further evidence for script interrelationships is provided by symbol names.
Previously, these have been often linked to word meanings in order to support theories of
origin. It is elementary to find such links in specific languages, let alone language
families like Indo-European or Semitic (see also SOM). It is impossible to independently
assess or compare these speculative connections, and I therefore consider them of little
value. The symbol onomastics appear much more straightforward: the letters of the Greek
alphabet (and indeed much of the Phoenician, as reconstructed from the Hebrew) mostly
share the syllabic value of the related Linear B or Linear C syllabogram either as their
name or part thereof (Fig. 1 and supporting material).
Linear forms persisted in the Aegean while systematic analyses reveal an eastern
Further evidence of the interrelationship of the archaic Greek alphabet with the
Aegean syllabaries in particular is provided by the fact that forms not found in
Phoenician or the Levantine Proto-linear but present in Linear B and Linear C persisted
in local alphabets into the classical years. Nine such forms or variants thereof can easily
be distinguished (Fig. 1): B2, three–line F, I2, M1, 1, horizontal 2, R1/R, P2/P and Y,
indicating continuity or overlapping of Linear writing and the alphabet in the Aegean.
Additionally, the alphabet encodes vowels like the Aegean scripts but unlike the
Phoenician abjad. When the morphological data were submitted to systematic analyses
however, both in cladistic (parsimony) and phenetic (distance) terms, the alphabet was
found to be more closely related to Linear C and the Phoenician, both in the Eastern
Mediterranean rather than the Aegean Linear B. The tree topology was highly supported
in both cases (Fig. 2). This is a crucial result that is in agreement with the ancient reports
on the origin of the alphabet in an eastern context as well as its different nature to the
syllabaries. The alphabet does not appear to have been just the next step on a gradual
development of the Aegean syllabaries. A major transformation in organization has taken
place, reducing the 70-90 symbols of the syllabaries to just 23 of the archaic alphabet
found in the Doric islands and Crete (16).
The question of symbol order
The question remained about how the order of these 23 symbols was devised.
Following Diodorus Siculus’ narrative (6), I considered Syrian candidates as probable
sources for phoneme order and in particular one of the Ugaritic cuneiform scripts. Ugarit,
in present day Ras Shamra in Syria, found opposite the Cape St Andreas of Cyprus on the
Syrian coast, was a metropolis of the Bronze Age with well-established relations with
both the Aegean and the Asian hinterland (17). Although the cuneiform script is written
in a different way, with resulting drastically different morphology, there is a striking
similarity in phoneme order that has been previously suggested as an influence for or by
the Phoenician and/or its ancestors. Subsequent comparison revealed that the alphabet
shares 7 domains (Fig. 3, domains i-vii) of similarity with the Ugaritic, while the
Phoenician and related abjads share 6. Hence rather than the alphabet coming from a
single progenitor, these observations would suggest that the emergence of the new
semiotic system was a result of plexis or interweaving of different cultural organomena
from the Aegean (form) and the Levant (order).
Internal evidence indicates that the alphabet was an invention
Attention is drawn to the fact that the tree-building methodology used here reveals
systematic relations rather than ancestry. The reconstruction of the emergence of the
alphabet needs to be based on further considerations and evidence. The first issue to be
addressed and one that has been the subject of much debate is whether the alphabet was
an invention or the result of a gradual process. The distribution of symbols within the
archaic alphabet is not random but follows a unique arithmetic pattern that is not found in
the Ugaritic script. The five vowels are distributed in intervals of 3, 4, 5 and 6 consonants
indicating that the proto-alphabet was a conscious invention in a single place, at a single
time. The arithmetic significance of this series aside, two further lines of evidence show
that the event most likely happened in the East and was indeed an invention. First, only
the five vowels of the Eastern Greek syllabic scripts (at least as we know them from
Linear C) are used as opposed to the seven or more symbols for vowel phonemes present
in local Linear B variants of the Aegean. Secondly these 5 vowels are arranged in a
meaningful sequence (Fig. 3) that could have served as a simple mnemonic device in the
early days of the adoption of the alphabet by scribes used to syllabic Linear writing. Not
only can the sequence AEIOY be easily shown to be meaningful, but the same time
forming a nested harmonic of vowels (29), a sequence that is obviously lacking in the
Ugaritic cuneiform.
Under this light, a hypothesis that a polyglot inventor(s) recognized the simplicity
and power of the Ugaritic cuneiform and adopted it with Aegean forms and simple
mnemonic devices in order to help it spread in the lands of the Linear syllabaries, is
emerging as a likely scenario.
Summarizing, the invention of the alphabet as a synthesis of forms, principles and
organization deriving from Aegean syllabaries with a Levantine script in an Eastern
context is supported by at least ten lines of evidence: (i) ancient literature testimonies, (ii)
symbol morphological similarity, (iii) phonetic homology, (iv) letter onomastics, (v)
letter variants in Greek alphabets that have counterparts in Linear B homologues but not
in Eastern scripts, (vi) encoding of vowels, (vii) the internal organization of the alphabet
resembling the Ugaritic but according to an arithmetic distribution, (viii) the use of the
five vowel phonemes present in Eastern Greek syllabic system (as it has survived in
Linear C), (ix) meaningful sequence of vowels, and (x) the systematic position of the
scripts on the tree of Figure 2. Even if some of this evidence proves not to apply for a
particular symbol, it is all but impossible that it all comes from a random process. This
leaves little doubt for the case of conscious invention in a specific cultural and
geographical area and against a gradual accumulation of small changes.
Epilogue: a marriage of Kadmus and Harmony
The lines of evidence presented here and the results of their analysis indicate that
our script is the result of plexis of different ancestral systems, a result of synthesis and
symbiosis of forms and organizing principles originating in different cultures. It also
indicates that all past efforts to give credit for the invention of the alphabet to just one
group, based on ethnic, linguistic or religious lines as we understand them in the 20th and
21st century, are misplaced. All the more so when we are talking about an event that took
place at a time when such concepts, as we understand them now, did not exist.
And yet, what existed and never ceased to exist is myth and the very myth of
Kadmos the title of this journal is celebrating. Taking the Theban myths and the
interesting coincidences a step further, perhaps unsurprisingly for mythical circle
dominated by the descendants of Kadmos, the Labdacids, we find their own signature
letter, labda, at the very center (position 12) in the proto-alphabet. Remarkably, should
the results described herein prove to be of value, they would give a new, hitherto unseen
or forgotten meaning to the old myth of the marriage of Kadmos and his wife Harmony.
They could show that the “Kadmeian letters” of the alphabet were indeed organized
around the concept of a harmonic sequence of numbers.
Materials and methods
Symbol sources and relations
I considered the symbols and organization of the scripts involved in the main
theories on the origin of the alphabet: hieroglyphics from Egypt, Proto-Sinaitic (8, 14),
archaic Phoenician (from ca 1050 BC) and earlier inscriptions from the Levant(14), as
well as Linear A (18), Linear B (19-21) and Cypriotic or Linear C (22) and archaic Greek
alphabet symbols from the Aegean and beyond (16).I have also included symbols of the
Vinca semiotic system that has been proposed as the ancestor of Linear A (23). Dates of
the various findings vary widely. The earliest Vinca symbols are dated at the mid-6th
millennium BC, earliest Egyptian in the late 4th and first Cretan writing at the end of the
3rd (for further treatment of the dating debates and sources of digital characters, see
supporting on-line material -SOM, sections 1.1 and 2.2). The relationships of the three
Linear syllabaries are well established. Comparative analysis with the other scripts was
based on correspondence of morphology with phonetic values. In order to establish
homology (literally, “saying the same thing”), a fundamental prerequisite for systematic
analysis, these had to be identical or similar, given the different principles of encoding in
syllabaries, abjads and alphabetic writing.
Taxon delineation
The relationships of the Aegean syllabaries present few difficulties (19, 24, 25); the
Levantine scripts presented a more complex problem. The Phoenician abjad is usually
arbitrarily separated from older Levantine inscriptions of which it is a later local
development, based on historical criteria (14). In reality, if one excludes the Proto-
Sinaitic and a few Palestinian pictographs both of uncertain interpretation, the first
inscriptions with significant similarity to alphabetic symbols, encoding any perceivable
meaning come from the 13th century Levant at the earliest. These are inscriptions of both
non-Semitic (Izbet Sartah ostracon) and Semitic languages (Lachish ewer) (14). The term
Proto-Canaanite is anyway problematic and I will follow Kaufman (26) in naming the
inscriptions belonging to this period Proto-linear and to separate it from the other linear
taxa, Levantine Protolinear. As far as consistent morphological differences are concerned
however very little separates the two Levantine forms. Although slight style differences
may be useful in paleographic terms, they are of little use for systematic analyses and
these forms were considered together as a single taxon (see also below).
Character coding and systematic analysis.
Each symbol was treated as an individual organomenon and was analyzed to
simple traits (characters) that is, the simple marks or scratches a scribe would employ to
create a semaphore. When in doubt, all lines needing one separate movement of hand
were scored separately (see attached matrix). I present the forms as found in the
archaeological (stratigraphic) record as well as their outlines. Minor morphological
differences are sometimes considered paleographically important. Apart from the
methodological objections on paleographic typology, particularly on the lack of
correspondences with securely dated strata and its being logically cyclical (see also (26))
did not find these minor differences to be of any diagnostic value.
To avoid controversy, characters were scored as presence-absence rather than given
different weights (10). The matrix generated (SOM, section 6) was used to calculate
systematic relationships with PAUP* (27) using exhaustive search with parsimony and
the distance algorithms. Robustness of relationships was assessed using bootstrap support
for 10000 replications and Bremer (28) support (parsimony only). Bootstrap values above
50 and Bremer 1 or more are considered to show support for any given clade.
1. Gelb, I. J. (1963) A Study of Writing. (University of Chicago Press, Chicago).
2. Diringer, D. (1968) The alphabet: a key to the history of mankind (Hutchinson,
3. Robinson, A. (2001) The Story of Writing: alphabets, hieroglyphs and
pictograms. ( Thames and Hudson, London).
4. Fischer, S. R. (2001) A History of Writing (Reaktion books, London).
5. Herodotus (1969) Histories (The Persian Wars V-VII) (Harvard University Press,
Cambridge and London).
6. Siculus, D. (1939) The Library of History (Harvard University Press, Cambridge
and London).
7. Powell, B. B. (1996) Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alphabet. (Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
8. Daniels, P. T. & Bright, W. (1996) (Oxford University Press, New York and
9. Martin, H. J. (1994) The history and power of writing (University of Chicago
Press, Chicago).
10. Kitching, I. J., Forey, P. L., Humphries, C. J. & Williams, D. M. (1998)
Cladistics: the theory and practice of parsimony analysis. (Oxford University
Press, Oxford).
11. Rexova, K., Frynta, D. & Zrzavy, J. (2003) Cladistics 19, 120-127.
12. Barbrook, A. C., Howe, C. J., Blake, N. & Robinson, P. (1998) Nature 394, 839-
13. Drucker, J. (1995) The alphabetic labyrinth (Thames and Hudson, London).
14. Naveh, J. (1982) Early history of the alphabet (The Magnes Press, Hebrew
University,, Jerusalem).
15. Ventris, M. & Chadwick, J. (1953) J. Hellenic Stud. , 73, 84-103.
16. Jeffery, L. H. (1990) The local scripts of archaic Greece. (Clarendon Press,
17. Metzger, B. M. & Coogan, M. D. (1993) (Oxford University Press, New York
and Oxford).
18. Godart, L. & Olivier, J. P. (1976-1985) Recueil des inscriptions en Lineaire A.
(Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris).
19. Ventris, M. & Chadwick, J. (1973) Documents in Mycenaean Greek (Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge).
20. Chadwick, J., Godart, L., Killen, J. T., Olivier, J.-P., Sacconi, A. & Sakellarakis,
I. A. (1986-1990) Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos (Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge).
21. Chadwick, J. (1990) in Reading the Past, ed. Hooker), J. T. (University of
California Press/ British Museum, Berkeley and Los Angeles), pp. 136-196.
22. Masson, O. (1983) Les inscriptions chypriotes syllabiques (De Boccard, Paris).
23. Haarmann, H. (1990) The Journal of Indo-European studies 17, 251-275.
24. Hooker, J. T. (1980) Linear B: an introduction (Bristol Classical Press, Bristol).
25. Masson, E. (1987) in Studies in Mycenaean and Classical Greek presented to
John Chadwick, ed. J. T. Killen, J. L. M., J.-P. Olivier, Eds (Ediciones
Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca), pp. 367-381.
26. Kaufman, S. A. (1986) Hebrew Union College Annual 57, 1-14.
27. Swofford, D. L. (1996) (Sinauer Associates, Underland, Massachusetts).
28. Bremer, K. (1994) Cladistics 10, 295-304.
29. Alphabetica II, The Vowel Harmonic in the Greek Archaic Alphabet, Volume 9,
June 2005, http://anistor.co.hol.gr/english/enback/p052.htm
Figure legends
Figure 1. A summary of homophone symbol morphology in Linear A (LA), Linear B
(LB), Linear C (LC), archaic alphabet, Phoenician abjad and modern Greek and Latin
letters. Outlines of selected symbol variants are presented here; there sometimes was
considerable variation (more on SOM 3) in form or orientation. Forms are drawn here in
a left-right convention for symbols used in the Aegean syllabaries and the archaic
alphabet and right to left for Phoenician. Both writing orientation and drawing angle
varied in original inscriptions. The interrelationship of the syllabic value with later letter
name is also shown. The part of the letter name derived from the ancestral phonetic value
is underlined and bold, while the related syllabic value in Linear B or Linear C is
underlined. Where more than one forms or variants can be found in local archaic Greek
alphabets for the same symbol/letter these are given on a separate line.
Figure 2. Total evidence relationships for homophone symbol forms in the five different
scripts, Linear A, Linear B, Linear C, Phoenician abjad and archaic Greek alphabet. Both
phenetic and cladistic analyses resulted in the same tree topology, with distance bootstrap
support (written first below the respective branch) slightly higher than parsimony (written
second) in the case of Phoenician/Greek group. Decay index values (Bremer support) are
shown in front of each node in bold.
Figure 3. Relationships of phoneme order in the archaic alphabet, the Ugaritic cuneiform
(in the box, left column shows probable phoneme value represented by the symbol on the
right column), and other Levantine abjads, the Phoenician (column I), the Samaritan
(column II) and modern Hebrew (column III – when two forms are present the left is the
form used when the letter is present at the end of a word), presented here in lettersets
used in word processing. The order and the position of archaic vowels as reconstructed
here is confirmed by the archaeological evidence of the Marsiliana Etruscan abecedary
(photograph, far left). Seven domains of homology (i-vii) can be traced between the
alphabet and the Ugaritic and six for the Phoenician and relatives. The selection of letters
follows a non-random pattern, using the five vowels of the Cypriotic system and spelling
“AEIOY” while interspersed with 3, 4, 5 and 6 consonants, further supporting the idea
that the alphabet was an invention in an Eastern context. Note that the order is not
identical with the Ugaritic but specific letters/sounds have been omitted or transposed to
accommodate the harmonic principle
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